Phone: +90 (242) 310 2462 Area of Expertice: Plant nutrition and fertilization, Soilless culture, Organic agriculture |
Phone: +90 (242) 310 2459 Area of Expertice:Plant nutrition, Soil fertility |
Phone: +90 (242) 310 6534 Area of Expertice: Soil physics, Soil degradation, Soil and water conservation, Organic agriculture |
Phone: +90 (242) 310 6526 Area of Expertice: Plant nutrition and fertilization, Soil and water pollution, Solid waste utilization |
Phone: +90 (242) 310 2444 Area of Expertice: Soil management, Soil degradation, Soil and water conservation, Soil micro morphology |
Phone: +90 (242) 310 6549 Area of Expertice: Soil biology, Molecular microbial ecology, Microbial diversity |
Phone: +90 (242) 227 4400 – 2529 Area of Expertice: Plant nutrition, Soil fertility, Fertilizers and fertilization |
Assoc.Prof.Dr. İsmail Emrah TAVALI Phone: +90 (242) 227 4500 – 3748 Area of Expertice: Soil microbiology, Soil ecology |
Phone: +90 (242) 227 4700 – 2544 Area of Expertice: Soil genetics, Land use planning, Wetland management and planning, Remote sensing and GIS |
Phone: +90 (242) 227 4500 – 2543 Area of Expertice: Soil genetics, Land use planning, Wetland management and planning, Remote sensing and GIS |
Res. Asst. Merve ÇELEBİ AKŞAHİN Phone: +90 (242) 227 4400-3746 Area of Expertice: Soil physics, Agricultural waste management |
Phone: +90 (242) 227 4400-2528 Area of Expertice: Plant nutrition, Plant Physiology and hydroponic culture, Agricultural waste management |
Son güncelleme : 26.03.2024 12:17:23